Ms. Parrish has more than 12 years of experience in the homelessness field as a direct service provider, HMIS Lead, and HUD TA provider. Ms. Parrish works with communities to provide technical assistance often with a focus on HMIS and how it is incorporated into the entire homeless response system.
2023 Spring Conference
Ms. Parrish has more than 13 years of experience in the homelessness field as a direct service provider, HMIS Lead, and HUD TA provider. Ms. Parrish works with communities to provide technical assistance often with a focus on HMIS and how it is incorporated into the entire homeless response system. Ms. Parrish specializes in HMIS and CoC governance including privacy and security, policies and procedures, data quality management programs, and system monitoring and modeling; improving the quality of data in HMIS and analyzing data centered in racial equity that addresses inequities in the homeless response system; and supporting data-informed decisions through comprehensive system mapping and monitoring. Ms. Parrish is passionate about ensuring the data in HMIS is used to directly benefit families and individuals experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.