Patrick Wigmore

Deputy Director Homebase

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Apr 3

2023 Spring Conference

The theme this year is “Connecting for Change.” The conference will be held April 3 - 5, 2023, in Phoenix, AZ.

Mr. Wigmore coordinates HomeBase’s Federal Program activity, including HUD-funded homeless assistance TA, and provides a variety of technical assistance and training to communities and states. He conducts strategic planning processes; assists with program design and implementation; facilitates inter-agency and inter-jurisdictional coordination efforts; conducts system and program level evaluations; and coordinates needs assessments. He provides both direct agency capacity building support and delivers group trainings on a variety of program and policy issues. Prior to HomeBase, Ms. Wigmore worked for the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), overseeing extensive HUD-funded technical assistance efforts; facilitating best practice program development; and carrying out program evaluations to improve effectiveness and inform planning and policy development.

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